The customer service control panel is a modern solution for monitoring all your customer outreach teams. It easily suggests several immediately crucial adjustments to the team leader and senior executive at the same time and helps create an overview of the customer response, thereby improve the performance of the customer service group. If your project or business has a large outreach team but does not yet own a separate Quality Control unit, Xavier will be the perfect choice. Xavier provides total quality control solution according to your needs at the most reasonable price.

In the picture above, a basic control panel of over 5000 calls is tested with a 15: 1 process unsatisfactory ratio. Each call has 1 unqualified call. Xavier scans two dimensions of data and customers to capture infringement factors, reduce call error rates, increase customer access and satisfaction rates, and closely evaluate Will’s, Molly’s and Elio’s team.

For each partner, Xavier will meet detailed specifications. As in the case of basic call center quality control, Xavier sends accompanying parameters such as duration, or the rate of effective calls reaching the customer. Typically, companies assume that the shorter the duration they reach their customers, the more money and resources they save.
The detailed display below shows the average response time and  your issue count which will be assessed daily or monthly. Knowing your customer acquisition rate allows you to plan ahead and adjust your staffing needs and the number of calls per day. According to the statistics, the day with most effective calls is Tuesday and the average duration of your calls is 37 seconds. Customers typically exchange higher durations on Saturdays and Sundays.


Smart Quality Control
Outsourced QC activities help reduce costs for businesses. Moreover, the multi-criteria classification technology from Xavier helps to completely control the team and beyond.
FROM $400
Management reporting system, in-depth analysis focusing on the issues you need.
FROM $300
Review the metrics or build a KPI with you so that your business can operate effectively and exploit the potential customer segment well.
FROM $600
Lean reporting system helps you daily capture revenue, team activities, etc. Completely secure as it is tailored to your business.
FROM $650
Everything you need is in a single chart. In-depth analysis finds valuable customer segments that are consistent with internal capabilities.
FROM $700
Skip Tracing AI
Track and find your target customers with a reasonable price.
FROM $200