Customer rating is a modern management tool with business performance and customer value. Especially when your customer data to change day by day in consequence of big data explosion, Xavier’s ReOptimal will help you instantly screen typical customers, find the optimal segment and increase conversion rates.

Customer value ratings can be used to estimate project prices or calculate the human resources needed for growth targets. In several cases, multiple discrete scorecards or the decision on revenue or cost, long-term or short-term, seasonal or total period priorities can make you concerned. Xavier will help you combine millions of criteria, hundreds of score cards in a single result.

Through a continuously improved algorithm, Xavier helps you estimate the probability of an audience becoming your customer. By using a unique hybrid model, Xavier finds your suitable customers at a particular period, or with the specific inputs you provide such as customer group, area of activity, pricing change, good customer feedback or not, etc.

Analysts do not disappear, on the contrary, analysts continually improve Xavier’s algorithm. The analyst can be you, as Xavier allows users to simultaneously customize expectation states to capture multidimensional ratings.
Smart Quality Control
Outsourced QC activities help reduce costs for businesses. Moreover, the multi-criteria classification technology from Xavier helps to completely control the team and beyond.
FROM $400
Management reporting system, in-depth analysis focusing on the issues you need.
FROM $300
Review the metrics or build a KPI with you so that your business can operate effectively and exploit the potential customer segment well.
FROM $600
Lean reporting system helps you daily capture revenue, team activities, etc. Completely secure as it is tailored to your business.
FROM $650
Everything you need is in a single chart. In-depth analysis finds valuable customer segments that are consistent with internal capabilities.
FROM $700