The process of tracing a fugitive is especially helpful in those cases where the customer does not answer calls and email communication is no longer working. When there is no way to notify customers of their debts and give them a chance to pay off, using skip tracing to find the individuals involved as well as any public information about the client is a useful solution.

According to modern IMC research, any two individuals are related under six social relationships. With a database of over 30 million customers in Vietnam, and a multi-platform information scanning network, Xavier Scanner collects all traces from public data bases via the Internet, giving you the opportunity to reach your customers.

Hiring a third-party collection company to undertake skip tracing is often more cost-effective than creating a stand-alone system. While most of the other tracking tools charge hourly, Xavier offers service on separate data plans. You only have to pay the fee when you are satisfied with the lists you need.

Skip tracing by AI is suitable when your audience is large and you want to increase the reach of your audience and their acquaintance. It seem to be difficult reach out a customer after they did not pay a bill, however, Xavier will help find very interactions and connections of his or hers on online platforms.


Smart Quality Control
Outsourced QC activities help reduce costs for businesses. Moreover, the multi-criteria classification technology from Xavier helps to completely control the team and beyond.
FROM $400
Management reporting system, in-depth analysis focusing on the issues you need.
FROM $300
Review the metrics or build a KPI with you so that your business can operate effectively and exploit the potential customer segment well.
FROM $600
Lean reporting system helps you daily capture revenue, team activities, etc. Completely secure as it is tailored to your business.
FROM $650
Everything you need is in a single chart. In-depth analysis finds valuable customer segments that are consistent with internal capabilities.
FROM $700
Skip Tracing By AI
Track and find your target customers with a reasonable price.
FROM $200